Suit of Air (Swords)

In Denizens of Earth, the four minor suits are represented by their elemental names, fire, water, earth, air rather than the traditional tarot suit names, wands, cups, pentacles and swords. Below are two infographics which illustrate this. Additionally, in Rider-Waite decks the court cards are King, Queen, Knight and Page, in this deck those court cards are Father, Mother, Guardian and Child respectfully. For each of the minor cards, there is a brief explanation and then some keywords for your readings in bold.

Air Suit insta.png

father of air

t. alba | Western Barn Owl

Another association from the Greeks, owls were a symbol of the goddess Athena. She was the patron goddess of Athens, the center of artistic creation and learning in ancient Greece.

Intelligence, wisdom, mental clarity.

mother of air

c. brachyrhynchos | American Crow

In Hopi mythology, Angwusnasomtaka (The Crow Mother) is the maternal leader of the Kachinas. She leads other Kachinas into the village during the Powamuya (Bean Dance) carrying corn kernels and bean sprouts to symbolically start the new season properly.

Nurturing, authority, messenger.

guardian of air

a. alexandri | Black-Chinned Hummingbird

A very adaptable species of hummingbird, it’s often found living in urban areas. During migration they rarely remain long at any one food source and are constantly on the move. At rest, the black-chinned hummingbird’s heart beats an average of 480 beats per minute.

Driven, ambitious, energetic.

child of air

p. ruber | American Flamingo

Flamingos select mates by performing synchronized movements until one bird stops the operation. It can be calm, male and female walking in unison, or intense with the pair walking quickly with their heads low. Although they are usually a monogamous pair for that season, threesomes and quartets of birds all caring for the eggs are common.

Inventiveness, novel communication, curiosity.



g. biloba | Maidenhair Tree

Ginkgo has long been cultivated in China, some planted trees at temples are believed to be over 1,500 years old. It’s a common supplement for memory and mental clarity, although the evidence of that is mixed.

Mental clarity, development, breakthroughs.


c. oblonga | Quince

Quince is a fruit tree, similar in appearance to a pear the quince fruit is golden yellow when mature. The book of Genesis in the Bible doesn’t name a specific fruit that Adam and Eve ate, but some ancient texts suggest it might have been a quince.

Difficult decisions, weighing options, choices.


a. caudatus | Love-Lies Bleeding

Also called Amaranth, this plant gets its common name from its flower’s deep red hue which hangs down off the plant and resembles dripping blood.

Heartbreak, sorrow, grief.



p. rhoeas | Common Poppy

Poppies have long been used as a symbol of sleep, peace, and death. Probably at least in part due to opium, which can be extracted from some varieties and is a sedative. In ancient Greek and Roman mythology poppies were used as offerings to the dead.

Rest, stillness, meditation.


t. vulgare | Tansy

Tansy has a lengthy history of medicinal use, in the Middle Ages high doses were used to induce miscarriages of unwanted pregnancies. Symbolically tansy is recognized as a declaration of war.

Conflict, disagreement, controversy.


c. angustifolium | Fireweed

Fireweed is a tall brightly colored pinkish purple wildflower which thrives in open meadows, along streams, roadsides, and forest edges. The name “Fireweed” comes from its penchant to colonize recent burn areas. In some places, like Alaska this species is so abundant, it can carpet an area so thickly that it becomes a sea of purple flowers.

Transition, change, renewal.



a. majus | Snapdragon 

The name "snapdragon", originates from the flowers' reaction to opening their mouth like a dragon when their throat is constricted. These hardy plants can grow in the crevices around rocks, sidewalks and walls, giving them a symbolic meaning of deviousness and strength.

Deceitful, deception, cunning.


d. muscipula | Venus Fly Trap

The plant’s common name is a reference to the Roman goddess of love. Venus fly traps are indigenous to a very small area of North and South Carolina’s coastline. All carnivorous plants still photosynthesis, but supplement their diets most likely due to their habitats having poor soil quality and other limitations.

Imprisonment, restriction, limitation.


h. perforatum | St. John’s Wort

The name “St John's wort” comes from St. John’s Feast day, which occurs on the summer solstice, the flower commonly blossoms and is harvested at that time. People would hang the herb on their doors to ward against harm to their families and livestock.

Anxiety, disquiet, apprehension.



a. vera | Aloe

Although aloe is often grown as an ornamental succulent the gel found in its leaves can be used medicinally. Aloe gel is typically used for topical applications such as to treat burns, wounds, rashes or dry skin.

Wounds, emotional trauma, crisis.

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